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Using StripeX


There are five options available under the StripeX menu :

These five options can be loosely split into three groups.

Processing log files from other programs

  1. Removing page breaks from input text files : Many log files that are produced on mainframe contain form feed characters to tell the old line prints to advance to a new sheet of paper. If files with these characers are imported directly into Excel the sheet will contain blank rows that will need to be removed prior to analysis. This option removes those blank lines prior to them being read in.

  2. Extracting key lines from large text files : There is often just specific information that needs to be retreived from large log files. This option allows the user to specify the string to search for and then how many lines of text to extract each time the string is found

Manipulating cells within a worksheet

  1. Spliting text data across cells in a worksheet : Having read data into a spreadsheet it we often need to split data across cells, this option allows the user to specify the string used to split up the text.

Utilities to manipulate text files

  1. 'Converting' DOS based text files to Unix : This option removes the extra character DOS uses at the end of each line so it can be read correctly in an UNIX environment.

  2. 'Converting' Unix based text files to DOS : This option adds the extra character to the end of each line of a UNIX based text file so that it can be read correctly in a DOS environment.



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