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Tracking the progress of a project

There are two approaches to tracking the progress of a project within ProjeX. The first is to make a copy of the original project proposal, rename it, make the updates and then regenerate the Gantt chart. The second is to use the snapshot option.

The first is the simplest, using the house project from an earlier example, we have the initial project proposal that we presented to the client and was accepted.

In this case the worksheet is called 'Proposal'. Lets make a copy of this sheet and place it at the end of the sheets using ProjeX's option to copy sheets.

If you use the ProjeX option then all the internal information that ProjeX uses to keep track of the Gantt chart and tasks is also copied correctly.

Let's give the new ProjeX sheet the name 'Week1'. Having made the update to the 'Week1' sheet to show what progress we have made we can generate the Gantt chart again.

We can make a new copy of the previous week's sheet each week, update it, and regenerate the Gantt chart as the project goes on to see how the project timeline changes.

This does not give us a comparison of forecast against actual. For this we use ProjeX's snapshot functionality.

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