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Display Style options of the Display Dialog

Time Axis Scale

There are five axes settings for the Gantt chart, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. The quarterly option defines a fiscal year, the user specifies the month to start the fiscal year and the Gantt chart is produced accordingly.

The relative labelling option is not currently available. When implemented this will allow the user to define a date from which all the tasks will be displayed as relative (eg if the project starts on June 1st, the date June 8th will be displayed as Day 8 or week 2 of the project with this axis scale).

There is also the option to use standard week labelling for the weekly plotting option.


Freeze Title Panes

This option is useful when dealing with large projects that run over many months so they are too large to view with the Gantt chart on one screen.

Turning on the freeze frame for both vertical and horizontal axes one can scroll around the Gantt chart but keep the task descriptions and the date axis in view.

The vertical freeze can be set to show the duration column or not as required by the user.


Clear lines and Shading

If these options are set then any shading or borders/lines in the task label (the columns from the task description to the duration will be removed. If the user has formated this area in a particular way then these boxes should be deselected so that the formatting is left unchanged by ProjeX.


Plot Group Information

If selected, a bar is drawn showing the time range of the groups of tasks (more details ...). This option is not available in the freeware version of ProjeX.


Draw dependencies between tasks

If we have dependencies defined between tasks (and we are using them to calculate task start dates) then, by checking this box, arrows are drawn between the dependent bars on the Gantt chart. We can also list the task dependencies in columns on the Gantt chart.


Task Priorities

Priorities can be attached to the tasks using the right mouse button and the 'Task definition' option. These can be listed in a column on the Gantt chart if the box is checked.

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