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Example - Attaching Resources to a Project

Once we have defined our tasks and set up a ProjeX sheet we can allocate resources to individual tasks (this is not a requirement to produce Gantt charts).

We need to allocate a resources file to the ProjeX, then we can go through the tasks in our project and allocate resources to them. Having done that we can then generate plots to see the percentage usage of the resources. The resources file can be allocated to multiple projects.

For an overview of the functionality go to the resource management page, here we have a worked example of how to set up your project.

Let's use two of the depth imaging projects from the overview example, starting with the first project we need to set up a resources file before we do anything else. With the ProjeX workbook for the first project open we select the 'Initialize Resource sheet' option from the Resources menu.

A dialog window then appears appears where we can either select to use a previous resource file or initialize a new one.

We have no resource file set up at this stage so we want to create a new one which can be saved as a workbook anywhere available (for this example let's call it 'Depth Resources'). One word of caution here, the name and location of the ProjeX workbook is stored in the resources file and the name and location of the resources file is stored in the ProjeX file. Once created it is best not move the files to different folders. for this case lets call the file migration Resources and save it in the same folder as the projects. We now have a blank resources file to which we need to add the resources we will use.

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