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Allocating resources to a task

We have a Resources workbook initialized with defined resources, now we need to allocate the resources to the tasks in our ProjeX workbook. This is done using mouse button 3 (the one on the right) with the ProjeX sheet.

Select the cell in the ProjeX sheet that contains the task that you want to work and then click on it with the right mouse button (MB3) and a resource can attached to the task.

The cell with the task name must be selected before using MB3 otherwise ProjeX will complain that you have not selected a valid task. Remember just select the task name not the entire row.

We can now select the resource we want to allocate.

We can then define the percentage (do not enter the percentage sign) or hours (or days) of the resource to allocate to the task.

Once we have entered the information, Update will save the results, cancel will exit without update. If the 'Show allocation ...' box is ticked then the amount of the resource allocated to the task will be shown in the resource column of the project sheet.

We can of course change the amount of the resource allocated at any time.

We can now generate plots of resource usage.

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