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What does the full version have that the freeware version doesn't?

The full version has no limitations on the number of tasks or the time range that can be plotted on a Gantt chart. There are also many additional functions available (eg. the weekly and monthly time axes for plotting) and tasks can be defined so they are not worked on over weekends.


How do I buy ProjeX?

ProjeX now comes in three packages so please select which you require.

The basic (full) version has all the Gantt chart functionality with task dependency, a number of time axis choices, and numerous features to let the user customize the Gantt chart.

There is also a version that includes all the basic Gantt chart functionality and includes the functionality to show the critical path and perform PERT analysis.

The premium version of ProjeX includes all of the above and also incorporates resource management and cost analysis. The resource allocation is now dynamically linked to the project.

To purchase ProjeX online using PayPal and a credit card follow the two steps below and then click on the 'Buy ProjeX now' button.

1. Select which ProjeX package
to buy
ProjeX with full Gantt functionality ($20 each for single copies)
ProjeX (full) with PERT and Critical path functionality ($25 each for single copies)
ProjeX (full) with Resource and Cost analysis ($30 each for single copies)
2. Select the number of copies to
Number of copies

Having selected the type of ProjeX package and quantity above which currency do you want to pay in?


If you do not want to purchase ProjeX by credit card online please use the button above to calculate how much ProjeX will cost you and send us a check made payable to M. Witcombe to :

Sorry we no longer accept cheques

Remember to include your email address with the check.

Once you have agreed to send the check we will send you (via email) a version of the software licensed for one month. On receipt of your check you will then send the permanent version of the software.

Remember to include your Excel username and details of which ProjeX package you are purchasing.

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Copyright Mike Witcombe of WAA, 1996-2016.  This page was last updated on April 18, 2016
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For problems or questions regarding this web site contact [mail@witcombe.net].